Big Data Week invites data wizards, astute scientists, keen visualizers, precog analysts, and visionary executives to bring their contribution to the big data community.
Submit your proposal through the form below. The selected presentations will be promoted via our website and connex media, receiving dedicated time during Big Data Week events.
For the following editions of Big Data Week London Conference we are focusing on a wider, horizontal approach, looking to discover challenges in data science, analytics and data visualization, and spectacular ways that AI, & IoT projects will change our world.
We are mainly interested in use cases, inherent challenges, and how particular business problems are solved through data exploration.
This year we have two wide-themed talk tracks, where best practices, use cases and next-generation big data solutions are welcome to be presented on stage.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
1. Advanced Analytics
• Tools and technologies that will transform data and analytical capabilities
• Predictive analytics and forecasting
• Data visualization and storytelling
• Data engineering and architecture
• Data lakes and deriving business value
• Data governance strategies and data security
• Fast data and processing data streams
• Harnessing insights from unstructured data
• Marketing analytics
2. AI, Machine Learning at Scale, and IoT
• Exploring IoT’s future ramifications across industries
• Business models to embrace IoT
• Smart energy & cities
• Data security in a connected world
• Enterprise AI
• AI impact on business and society
• Implementing AI projects
Brave and exciting ideas are welcome at Big Data Week, so be creative and challenge us with your view on how big data impacts any of these domains.
Please note that the accepted papers/subjects will have to be presentation-ready at least two weeks prior to the the conference.
Date to be announced.
Complete the submission form below. Please note that the accepted papers/subjects will have to be completed with presentations two weeks prior to the event. Big Data Week organizers will audit the submitted content. All presentations need to be in English.
DEADLINE: Date to be announced
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