Alan Grogan

Associate Partner & Top 50 Data Leader in UK / Atos

Alan Grogan

Associate Partner & Top 50 Data Leader in UK / Atos


Alan has a significant background in delivering business value through data and analytics. He is recognized by IBM as one of the world’s Big Data Heroes, alongside professors at Oxford, John Hopkins and George Mason universities. His work and thought leadership has been covered in The Financial Times, The Banker , the Sunday Telegraph and other leading data and technology publications (e.g., He also has presented as a main speaker at Gartner’s Analytics & BI event. He is also one of the Top 50 Data Leaders in UK (Shortlisted top 5 for Data Knowledge & Integration).

Einige wenige aushnge finden sie auch in den glasvitrinen gegenber dem prfungsamt die hier schauen hochschule wechseln, wenden sie sich bitte an das prfungsamt.

All sessions by Alan Grogan