Charles Cai

Head of Data Science Technology / BP Trading, one of the Top 50 UK Data Leaders and Influencers

Charles Cai

Head of Data Science Technology / BP Trading, one of the Top 50 UK Data Leaders and Influencers


Charles Cai has more than two decades of experience and track records of global transformational programme deliveries – from vision, evangelism to end-to-end execution in global investment banks, and energy trading companies, where he excels at designing and building innovative, large scale, Big Data systems in high volume low latency trading, global Energy Trading & Risk Management, and advanced temporal and geospatial predictive analytics, as Chief Front Office Technical Architect and Head of Data Science.  He’s also a frequent speaker at Google Campus, Big Data Innovation Summit, Cloud World Forum, Data Science London, QCon London and MoD CIO Symposium etc, to promote knowledge and best practice sharing,  with audience ranging from developers, data scientists, to CXO level senior executives from both IT and business background. He has in-depth knowledge and experience Scala, Python, C# / F#, C++, Node.js, Java, R, Haskell programming languages in Mobile, Desktop, Hadoop/Spark, Cloud IoT/MCU and BlockChain etc, and TOGAF9, EMC-DS, AWS CNE4 etc. certifications.

Dr jackie gerstein has this wonderful video her comment is here clip where she explains the essence of flipped classroom.

All sessions by Charles Cai

Tech Track: Big Data and Data Science

25 Nov 2015
11:00 am - 12:45 pm