Kriti Sharma

Global Head of Product, Real-time Big Data Analytics / Barclays

Kriti Sharma

Global Head of Product, Real-time Big Data Analytics / Barclays


Kriti is the Global Head of Product, Real-time Big Data Analytics at Barclays where she drives Open Source and also focuses on emerging markets such as Africa. She recently led Product Management for the award winning Mobile Payments app Barclays Pingit. Kriti is a Google Grace Hopper Scholar, Govt. of India’s Young Leader in Science, Anita Borg Institute’s Pass-it-on Award winner, Rajiv Gandhi Scholar, has served on a Research and Leadership Programme initiated by the Head of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India and currently sits on the Google Anita Borg Panel to promote Computer Science to women.
Kriti also focuses on driving Open Data Collaboration across retail, healthcare and financial services.

Im wintersemester erwerben sich die studierenden grundlagen in der theaterpdagogik und hospitieren bei einer theaterwerkstatt im sommersemester fhren sie eigenestndige projekte durch, die im rahmen der spieltheatertage prsentiert werden.

All sessions by Kriti Sharma